Friday, May 12, 2023

may 20th @ the whinerack.

flyer by kai & p.d.c. alex.

surprise! please don't crash just released an excellent debut e.p. and they're throwing a party to celebrate next weekend. it'll also double as the first ever gig at the whinerack, etobicoke's newest & hottest house venue, featuring us & waste youth on support; send us or p.d.c. a message and we'll let you know where the spot is (after a skill-testing question or two, naturally).

please don't crash—whatever fits in your pocket

p.d.c. have become fast friends and we're beyond excited to help inaugurate the whinerack in style. no cello this time, but we'll be playing some more of the new stuff that you may have heard at our last few shows.

speaking of that new material—we're sitting on some recordings right now that you'll hear more about very, very soon (keep an eye on early july), not to mention a clutch of dates all lined up for mid-june with a few familiar faces. it's gonna be a big summer...

until next time,

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