Wednesday, October 5, 2022

october 7th @ bar orwell.

xen0hyena presents: joyride s1e1.

kai's flyer.

daisy's original flyer, xerox'd & printed by kai.

in daisy's own words:

"I kinda didn't do enough promotion for this event and it's happening on Friday so now I'm posting this here to make up for it: I have a COLLECTIVE now (or something vaguely resembling one) and we're PUTTING ON A THING, come out and see the fantastic assortment of acts I've scrounged together. we've got a skramz band! we have solo free-jazz double bass! we have poetry! we have experimental puppetry! we have abstract performance art! we have things I don't even know about, probably! all coming together in a wonderfully dingy bar that's more like a living room with a liquor license than anything. direct from the prismatic miasma at the end of time, it's JOYRIDE S1E1."

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