hey y'all! it's been quiet for us post-fest. you probably already know but respire had to cancel their tour due to visa bullshit so the church show that was set for the 22nd is off, unfortunately. fuck borders!
some good news, though—we have a weekend coming up with the incredible bloom dream, trekking from florida in support of their amazing new album (out now on zegema beach). flyers coming soon, but in the meantime:
- october 12th @ the union (kitchener) w/ bloom dream (FL) & ??? (all ages/p.w.y.c./more details t.b.a.)
- october 13th @ low bar w/ bloom dream (FL) & we could go on tour ($15 or p.w.y.c./19+)
- low bar has a crazy small cap (35-ish), get in early
other fun things of note: we just signed first & last on a monthly practice space! we're sharing the room with terry (among other bands), so hopefully some of their greatness will rub off on us as we start to write for an LP. separately, we also have studio time booked later this month... hopefully you'll hear the results sooner rather than later.
what else? we sent some copies of the ruthless criticism of all that exists to our buddy steve in newfoundland for distro if any of you happen to be out there; otherwise, you can still find the 7" at sonic boom, emissions, or any of our shows. we just re-stocked our demo at both shops too if you haven't managed to get one of those yet (how)?
from earlier this summer. |
more news when we have some. <3